Welcome to RIVER2RIVER

Actions and Networking for Sustainable Management, Environmental Monitoring and Protection of Surface Waters

The project RIVER2RIVER is co-funded under the Interreg IPA CBC Programme “Greece – Albania 2014 – 2020” with a total eligible budget of € 423.891,72 out of which 85% is Union Support and 15% the National Counterpart of the participating countries (Greece-Albania).

The RIVER2RIVER project’s overall objective is in full accordance with the programme’s specific objective of the thematic priority in which belongs: To Increase the effectiveness of environmental protection & sustainable use of natural resources, focusing in CB the river environments of Metsovo (GR) and Himara (AL) as case studies. The main outpouts are the Two(2) Small-scale river restoration projects will be realized at both participating areas: LB will perform Cleaning, Maintenance and Bed’s Restoration Works in selected Small Streams of Metsovo’s Municipal Community (GR), and PB3 will perform stream restoration works in a part of Visha river between the National Road VL- SR till the Sea Delta.

The motivation of the RIVER2RIVER project is to promote the necessity of CBC in water resources’ monitoring, management and protection, in line with the EU policy and, more specific, according to the provisions of the WFD, focusing mainly in the CB surface aquatic environments. The main goal of the project is to promote and ensure best practice restoration and management of rivers and their catchments under the EU WFD combining “Green Infrastructure” Approach and water governance initiatives.

Consequently, the main target groups from both sides, which RIVER2RIVER influences directly, are: a)Scientists, b)general public/citizens, c)fishermen, d)student community and e)local and regional government executives.


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This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of the Municipality of Metsovo and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.

This project is co-funded by the European Union and by National Funds of the participating countries under the Cooperation Programme “INTERREG-IPA CBC GREECE-ALBANIA 2014-2020

Lead Beneficiary

Municipality of Metsovo
Ν. Χ. Averof 2, 44200, Metsovo
Phone: +302656360300
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